dgj188 HongFa Zen Town, China, China , 2013


The HongFa Meditation Centre compund is divided in two main areas, one dedicated to a landscape park, and another to the architectural interventions of the “Buddhist Village”, including a Zen and Meeting Centre, an Elderly House and a Columbarium, together reaching around 300.000 sqm. A deep analysis of the existing context, as topography, infrastructure, natural formations, sights and sun exposure, have been carried out in order to achieve not only the optimal localization of the different parts of the new intervention, but also to achieve an harmonious, functional and user-friendly combination between architecture and landscape. Nevertheless the project is longing for deeper meaning and symbolism, due to the specific Buddhist nature of the project. The two main axis of the project, linking the different parts between them, are literally referring to the 5 buddhist directions, physically present on-site thanks to 5 similar yet unique landmarks. Each one of them is referring to 5 different Buddhas, and are representing them thorugh embossed decorations and main Buddhist tools as the center of the landmark, being either a fountain, a public space, a view point, a gathering spot or the central gathering point. Function, Meaning and Form are combined into a unique solution for spiritual and physical virtue of the HongFa Buddhist community in Shenzhen.

project period Mar 01 2013 - July 01 2013
useReligious. Community Center, Landscape, Representative. Trade Fare
client Hong Fa Temple
commissionDirect Comission
project team: Freddy Curiél (DGJ), Alexander McCoy (A+)
project partner: A+ Architecture Plus
project status: prepearing to build