dgj158 Minihouses Reypoort, Den Haag, NL , 2010


The housing cooperation Staedion has called for proposals in an ideas competition for the monumental gate Reypoort.
Our proposal consists of four minimum Impact houses, set in a row, as flexible living and working place for students or young families. They are designed as energy saving houses
in building and usage. Different possibilities and combinations are provided in order to satisfy different living needs and situations, anticipating possible mutations in time.
Our experience from Minihouse Frankfurt (dgj071) is here developed into a catalyst as a future strategy for such a socially disadvantaged neighborhood.
The target is to develop an intervention that would provide sustainability on both ecological and social level, which could become a reference project and strategy for future housing developments and estates.

项目时间 Mai 15 2010 - Jun 15 2010
功能Residential, Commercial. Office Building
地址 De La Reyweg, Den Haag
建筑面积 500 m²
建筑体积 2.300 m³
委任员 Staedion
委任方Invited Competition
项目团队: Daniel Jaulsin, Federico Curiel, Rudoph Eilander
项目合伙人: Krol Vastgoedontwikkeling, Eilander Architects
项目阶段: Competition Entry