dgj167 Plus energie house boarding school Schloss Hansenberg, Geisenheim-Johannesberg, Germany , 2014

Fotograf: DX

Fotograf: DX

Fotograf: Hans Drexler

Fotograf: Hans Drexler


The Boarding School Schloss Hansenberg plans on building another residential and functional building for their students. It will contain 4 living units for students, a working room for teacher and a meditation room for students.

The design shows a two-storied block, which opens up with a folded glass facade to the west. The Facade to the north is twisted to create different depths of space. Smaller window openings give different views. The dens design of the building lowers the transmission loss.

The building is designed as a timber construction, which has the advantage of prefabrication, use of local material and good insulation quality. The energetic intent is to reach the ìPlus-Energy-Standardî. The annual total amount of the energy generated by the building should be higher than the energy the building uses because of heating, warm water, artificial ventilation and illumination.

项目时间 Jan 01 2011 - Aug 10 2014
功能School, Education
地址 Hansenbergallee 9, Geisenheim-Johannesberg
建筑面积 506 m²
建筑体积 1,493 m³
客户 German state of Hessen, substituted by the HBM
委任方Direct Comission
项目团队: Anne Bauer, Tabea Huth, Joachim Schulze,
项目合伙人: Pfeil & Koch ingenieurgesellschaft GmbH & Co. KG
项目阶段: prepearing to build