des001 simpledoubledeux, Zürich, GR/CH/NL/Germany/Korea/DK , 2004

Single, Double and Two Beds

Fotograf: Ralph Feiner


This product was designed as a prototype for the Pigniu House by Drexler Guinand Jauslin Architects. After being published in a home magazine alongside a story about the project, many requests came in, and DGJ decided to start a serial production.

Simpledoubledeux is as surprising as life itself. It's the ideal bed for singles or spare bed. It adapts to the different needs of yourself and your guests, and is a space-saving solution. Registered design

Moulded beech plywood, beech veneer, varnished, customized veneers on demand if feasible, made in Switzerland.

Mattress foldable with zipper in off-white or black, perforated latex core with firmer middle zone, pure lamb-wool quilted inside, 100% cotton, cover removable with zipper, made in Switzerland.

project period 2003 - 2004
address Riedtlistrasse 27, Zürich
floor area 2 m²
budget 2,400 CHF
price I.D. Design Award Best in Cathegory Furniture
client Drexler Guinand Jaulsin Architects
commissionDirect Comission
project status: built work