publications 2016

Badener duerfen Brisgi bebauen

"Aargauer Zeitung"

Pirmin Kramer

first published in: Aargauer Zeitung

release date: Nov 11 2016

editor: Aargauer Zeitung

publisher: Aargauer Zeitung

text about DGJ

project: dgj232 Brisgi-Areal Baden

german, 1 page

Architektur: Wo einst BBC-Arbeiter in Baracken wohnten, entsteht eine Überbauung der Wohnbaustiftung. Ein Badener Team hat den Architekturwettbewerb gewonnen.


Ausstellungseröffnung Affordable Living Heidelberg

release date: June 08 2016

text by DGJ

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dgj@biennale Venice 2016

"Finnish Pavillon from Border to home"

release date: May 28 2016

text by DGJ

project: dgj219 Arrival City 4.0


Bewahren und Ergänzen


Boris Schade-Bünsow Chefredakteur

release date: Apr 08 2016

editor: Bauverlag BV

publisher: Bauverlag BV

text by DGJ

project: dgj219 Arrival City 4.0

german, 1 page

Arrival City 4.0 Drexler Guinand Jauslin architects from Frankfurt propose an expandable concept: The shell serves as emergency shelter, with the use of tents and containers. Over time, the residents practice to build residential and commercial units by themselves. A controversial project, but one of the few actively involving refugees.

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"Der Entwurf"

Dipl.-Ing. Sarah Centgraf

release date: Apr 05 2016

editor: Bauverlag BV GmbH

publisher: Bauverlag BV GmbH

text about DGJ

german, 2 pages

How to integrate sustainability in the design and planning processes? At the MSA | Münster School of Architecture students developed a wooden structure, reaching high insulation values. 2shelter is called the one-room of Luisa Matz and Jessica Riesmeyer, which emerged and was built during the Sustainable Building Design Studios by Prof. Hans Drexler.


Living for everyone!

"werk bund"

Deutscher Werkbund Bayern, e.V.

release date: Mar 10 2016

editor: Deutscher Werkbund Bayern, e.V.

text about DGJ

project: dgj219 Arrival City 4.0

german, 4 pages

Living for everyone!


The refugee crisis is omnipresent. The refugees whose asylum application is granted, lined up within the large number of people who are already looking for affordable accommodation. We therefore we need a large number of low-cost apartments, which relieve the housing market.


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