出版作品集 2011

Research and Design in landscape architecture

Steffen Nijhuis, Inge Bobbink, Daniel Jauslin

发表日期: Dec 31 2011

编辑: Landscape Architecture, Departement Urbanism, TU Delft Faculty of Architecture


english, 11 页数

This paper aims to introduce the particular methodology of the author's and their colleagues at TU Delft Chair of Landscape Architecture. This approach is characterised by theories, methods and techniques converging towards design and research and research by design. The relation and interaction between these research domains is illustrated with examples from research and education establishing design research and research by design as a coherent methodology.

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Landscape Architecture at TU Delft 1973-2011: Ter gelegenheid afscheid Prof. Dr. Clemens Steenbergen

Homan, A. · Van der Weide, A. · Bordes, B. · Kwast, B. · Van den Heuvel, D. · Stegewerns, C. · Jongsma, C. · Van Ees, C. · Wouters, C. · Jauslin, D. · Wijnen, D. · Piccinini, D. · Dekker, E. · Van der Kooij, E. · Luiten, E. · De Jong, E. · Toni, F. · Aerts, F. · Verschuure-Stuip, G. · Stotijn, H. · Bakker, I. · Bobbink, I. · Meulenberg, I. · Woltjer, J. · Wilbers, J. · Niemeijer, J. · Lonsdale, J. · Wiers, J. · Pouderoijen, M. · Roos, A. · Hellendoorn, D. · Visser, K. · Storm-Prins, M. · Van der Helm, M. · De Vos, L. · Veldman, M. · Hartveld, M. · Den Ruijter, M. · Verbruggen, N. · Rickert, N. · De Graaf, P. · Van der Ree, P. · Aben, R. · Buijs, R. · Rooij, R. · Van der Velde, R. · De Wit, S. · Nijhuis, S. · Holtappels, S. · Meeks, S. · Van Assen, S. · Van Oosten, S. · Van den Busken, S. · Hermans, W.

发表日期: Dec 15 2011

发表人: TU Delft Landscape Architecture


dutch, 104 页数

Light-filled interior design in the new Raiffeisen branch in Zurich

"WOHNREVUE Schweizer Magazin für anspruchsvolles Wohnen und zeigemässes Design"

Thomas Walliser (Geschäftsführung)

发表日期: Dec 01 2011

编辑: Boll Verlag AG


项目: dgj144 Raiffeisen Kreuzplatz

german, 1 页

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Landscape Aesthetics for Sustainable Architecture (Book-Chapter in:)

"Aesthetics of Sustainable Architecture"

Daniel Jauslin

发表日期: Nov 17 2011

编辑: Sang Lee

发表人: 010


10 页数

This book deals with the aesthetic potentials of sustainable archit ecture and its practice. In contrast to the mechanistic model, the book attempts to open a new area of scholarship and debate on sustainability in the design and production of architecture. In many instances, the key principles behind environmental concerns and sustainability in architecture are often misunderstood and misrepresented. Many often consider sustainability within a limited set of choices or still regard it as yet another inconvenience that hinders development. Certainly technical improvements help alleviate the problems at hand. But fundamental questions remain in regard to architecture: What are the structural issues behind the consciousness on sustainability and how do we address them in design? And what kind of opportunities can we find in its aesthetics for the revision of our industrial model? The book traces and underscores how the consideration of environment and sustainability is directly connected to aesthetic propositions in architecture. http://www.010.nl/catalogue

Designed by Piet Gerards Ontwerpers
English 320 pp / 240 x 170 mm / paperback 
price € 29.50 ISBN 978 90 6450 752 6
to be published November 2011, forthcoming

Ecological campus: research into a more sustainable TU Delft campus

Van Schadewijk, F., Mentors: Ir. Robert Nottrot, Ir. Daniel Jauslin

发表日期: Nov 07 2011


english, 91 页数

Forschungsarbeit für ein nachhaltigeren TU Delft Campus. Dieses Dokument enthält eine Präsentation für einen ökologisch nachhaltigen Campus der TU Delft. Das Ziel des Designs war ein attraktives Lernambiente zu schaffen, welches zudem die ökologische Qualität des umgebenden Außenraums verstärkt. Das Gebäude berücksichtigt das lokale Wassersystem und die grüne Infrastruktur.

Fließende Formen in der Raiffeisenbank Zürich

"Detail - Zeitschrift für Architektur"

Meike Regina Weber (et al.)

发表日期: Nov 01 2011

编辑: Christian Schittich

发表人: Institut für internationale Architektur-Dokumentation GmbH & Co. KG, München


项目: dgj144 Raiffeisen Kreuzplatz

german, english, 2 页数

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发表日期: Okt 01 2011

编辑: Architizer LLC, 281 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY 10016


english, 2 页数

Drexler Guinand Jauslin Architects are now a part of the international architectual project "Architizer".

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Minimum Impact House


Sebastian El khouli, Christiano Lepratti, Guendalina Salimei, Annette Blegvad

发表日期: Sep 14 2011

编辑: International Union of Architects (UIA)


项目: dgj071 Minihouse I - Minimum Impact House

english, 4 页数

Social and ethical responsibility Building their own home is the dream of many people, especially families. Here a strategy i provided to create a new type of homes in the city and reinforcing the social, economic, and cultural fabric of the urban centres. In the fast-grown suburbs an unnatural homogenous population is created because on the very small group of people usually moves there within a short period of time. This segregation of a large proportion of the society weakens the social structure. In the city centre a social groups a mixed and interact. The individual experiences being part of a society every day. This understanding is the foundation for any social and democratic understanding. Ressource efficiency and environmental impact Residential houses are the main course for land-use. Building new suburbs leads to the destruction of natural environments, more streets, traffic, and pollution. One important aim was to demonstrate that in the smallest urban niche it is possible to built a fully-functioning house which meets the highest design standards and ecological criteria.


Minimum Impact House

"10 years and designing energy-efficient building unit of the Technical University of Darmstadt"

Fachgebiet Entwerfen und Energie-effizientes Bauen der Technischen Universität Darmstadt

发表日期: Sep 10 2011

编辑: energy-efficient building unit of the Technical University of Darmstadt

发表人: Technical University of Darmstadt


项目: dgj071 Minihouse I - Minimum Impact House

german, 2 页数

Minimum Impact House - Developing a sustainable prototype

The project Minimum Impact House is a prototype for sustainable housing development in the city. Sustainability and ecology requires a holistic optimization of the building. At the mini house manufacturing of the building, operation and location factors such as urbanity and mobility were considered together. It turned out to be an inner-city densification has a number of environmental advantages. Prevent urban sprawl, traffic, reduces the intensified use of existing infrastructure and strengthen the social fabric of the city. For developing inner-city African developing new building types and building structures for the creation of sustainable housing in the city is required.


The floating office. New ideas on how to create new living space. On the water an or the gap - where we will be building in the future.

发表日期: Aug 05 2011

编辑: Eberhard Ebner, Johannes Friedmann, Thomas Schaub, Christoph Schwingenstein

发表人: Süddeutscher Verlag


项目: dgj071 Minihouse I - Minimum Impact House

german, 1 页

„The fact, that many people drive to town for work or leisure activity, increases the output of carbon dioxide.[..] Nearly half of the annual land consumption is generated by the building industry. With his architectural office (Drexler Guinand Jauslin Architects) he realized in Frankfurt a few years ago a idea: the Minihouse.

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发表日期: 08/2011

编辑: Archello, Binnenhof 62D 1412 LC Naarden P.O. Box 394 1400 AJ Bussum The Netherlands


english, 3 页数

Drexler Guinand Jauslin Architects are now a part of the international architects portal Archello

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Looking for most exquisite restroom: the city is rewarding ideas for flexible restroom services in the Frankfurt Journal.

发表日期: July 26 2011

编辑: Presse Verlagsgesellschaft mbH

发表人: Presse Verlagsgesellschaft mbH


german, 3 页数

Enjoying the sun in the green spaces or taking a stroll along the Main – more and more people in Frankfurt spend their leisure time outside. And what does this mean? Frankfurt needs more public toilets. They are planned now.

A multidisciplinary jury, i.a. with representatives of the parks and gardens department and the Office for the Environment, has now made their decision. A special award goes to the design of Drexler Guinand Jauslin Architects for their construction with willows.

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New Cover for the smallest room in the Frankfurter new press online

发表日期: July 25 2011

发表人: Frankfurter Societäts-Medien GmbH


项目: dgj166 Mobile Toilet Container

german, 1 页

As nice as it is to be outside, as desperate it can get. In the parks of Frankfurt there are less public toilets than needed. Often complained, the city council is working on the future concept „ Public toilets in the city of Frankfurt”. There you find the following plan: Instead of building expensive permanent toilets, which will be run down after a while, temporar y toilets are planned to be provided during the summer. The architectural office Drexler Guinand Jauslin Architects handed in a construction out of willows as an “overcoat” and won a special award.

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Life on the fire wall ...

"Summer in the City: Frankfurt im Architektursommer Rhein-Main 2011"

Univ.-Prof. Roland Burhard et al.

发表日期: July 08 2011

编辑: Univ.-Prof. Roland Burhard et al.

发表人: jovis Verlag GmbH


项目: dgj071 Minihouse I - Minimum Impact House

1 页

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Minimum Impact House Un parassita altamente sostenibile

"legno architettra"

Luca Maria Francesco Fabris

发表日期: July 04 2011

发表人: Edicom Edizioni


项目: dgj071 Minihouse I - Minimum Impact House

8 页数

Italian only: Ridurre l'impatto del consumo di suolo, creando una nuova tipologia di edificio residenziale che recupera aree del centro cittá poco densificate: é questa la proposta di un progetto di ricerca tedesco che ottimizza globalmente l'impatto ecologico, sociale, economico attraverso alloggi di edilizia sociale residenziale in legno.


Minimal Impact House in Frankfurt/Main

" Passivhäuser - Wohngebäude Musterprojekte, Konstruktionsdetails, Kennwerte"

Prof. Dr. Rudolf Lückmann, Dipl. Ing. Franziska Pietryas

发表日期: July 03 2011

编辑: Prof. Dr. Rudolf Lückmann

发表人: WEKA MEDIA GmbH & Co. KG Römerstraße 4 D-86438 Kissing


项目: dgj071 Minihouse I - Minimum Impact House

german, 21 页数

The demand for passive houses has risen substantially in recent years. To meet the ever increasing cost of oil and electricity prices, many owners opt for an energy-efficient construction and save up to 90% on energy costs.

The new planning guide passive houses residential planning prepares you for this task well before, because selected project examples and detailed technical information to help you implement your own building project.

Take advantage of the design manual passive houses of residential buildings

Expertise for client consulting: The selected projects provide ideas for your own design. Concept variants and construction data to support the decisions.
Safety in design: designs, details and concepts of the building can be incorporated into your own planning.

pub2011.024_Minihaus_im_WEKA_Maunal_Passiv House

potential for a meaningful recompaction

"Summer in the City: Frankfurt im Architektursommer Rhein-Main 2011"

Univ.-Prof. Roland Burhard et al.

发表日期: July 01 2011

编辑: Univ.-Prof. Roland Burhard et al.

发表人: jovis Verlag GmbH


项目: dgj071 Minihouse I - Minimum Impact House

1 页

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tentoonstellingen: MIN-I-HOUSES

"Architectuur Agenda Rotterdam"

Architectuur Agenda Rotterdam

发表日期: 07/2011



Minimum Impact House (Min-i-Houses) is een bouw- en onderzoeksproject naar duurzame woningbouw in de stad. De tentoonstelling toont een selectie projecten in Amsterdam, Frankfurt en Rotterdam en tien ontwerpprojecten van studenten aan de Technische Universiteit Darmstadt (Duitsland). DGJ-Architeden, Mecklenburglaan 14, Rotterdam, mal wo & za 11-17, www.dgi.eu




Marcello Soeleman

发表日期: June 27 2011

编辑: TU Delft


dutch, 1 页



Dag Van De Architectuur

"Dag Van De Architectuur"

Dag Van De Architectuur

发表日期: June 25 2011



25juni Architectenbureau aan woonhuis Kralingen: Open Huis
Een woning met architectenbureau in Kralingen (Rotterdam) is volledig gerenoveerd voor de jonge familie van de architect. Terwijl de indeling
van de karners de originele indeling van de woning volgt, zijn belangrijke elementen ontworpen vanuit een hedendaagse benadering. Keuken en badkarner zijn gerenoveerd door zorgvuldig elementen toe te voegen waardoor de karners hun kwaliteit heb ben behouden. Licht en ruimte zijn in de woning gebracht door een glazen vloer op een stalen constructie van zeepbellen die door de karners naar: de zelf ontworpen tuin waaien. In het souterrain heeft het architectenbureau een spectaculair landschappelijk uitzicht op de Alpen.

Locatie: Mecklenburglaan 14.
Tijd: 11.00 - 17;00 uur
(rondleidingen orn 11.00, 12.00, 13.00, 14.00, 15.00 en 16.00 uur).
Meer informatie: www.dgj.ch


Dag Van De Architectuur Rotterdam

"Dag Van De Architectuur Rotterdam"

Dag Van De Architectuur Rotterdam

发表日期: June 18 2011



Drexler Guinand Jauslin Architekten
Mecklenburglaan 14
Tijd: 11:00uur - 17: oouur

DGJ Arch. Mecklenburglaan 14.


Small but Beautifull - City Dwellers Living in the 21st Century


Claudia Nickel

发表日期: June 15 2011

编辑: Dipl.-Ing. Ulrich Höhn, Dipl.-Ing. Johann Gottfried Löwenstein

发表人: AEC Software GmbH • Europaalle 14 • 67657 Kaiserslautern • Telefon +49 631 303 3311 • Telefax +49 631 303 3320 • E-Mail info@mbaec.de


项目: dgj071 Minihouse I - Minimum Impact House

8 页数

Small but beautifull - city dwellers living in the 21st century




Ecological Awareness

"Linoleum Special"

Hans Drexler

发表日期: June 02 2011

编辑: Armstrong DLW GmbH 

发表人: Armstrong DLW GmbH 
Stuttgarterstr. 75 
Bietigheim-Bissingen D-74321 


german, 2 页数

Design for Disassembly: A Statement of decomposible for building structures

The construction of buildings uses most of the resources we consume. Demolition and construction activities also generates  approximately 60% of all waste. The current development in the construction industry fear suggests that the amount of waste in the future increase even more, because on the one hand, the life expectancy of the building continuously decreases, the other more different materials are joined together and more thoroughly: Composite materials consist of a variety of starting materials, which are glued together with non-detachable connections to a huge pile of future hazardous waste. Due to this waste production the environment and society are challenged as well as by the production of new building materials, which leads to energy and raw material consumption.

Sustainable buildings must be constructed differently: The individual components must be assembled with detachable joints. Constructive layers must be designed so leave them to wait, individually and exchange, because the stress and life is different. In particular, technical building equipment must be replaced and upgraded, because on the one hand the technology improves rapidly, but also to changing conditions (availability of resources, climate change) needs to be adjusted.
















Castle in the Air in Passivhouse-Standard


Jan Otto Weber

发表日期: May 12 2011

编辑: Thomas Schmid

发表人: Alex Springer


项目: dgj071 Minihouse I - Minimum Impact House

german, 2 页数

Affordable housing in the city while maintaining quality of life - a problem that employs the Frankfurt architect Hans Drexler for some years. His concern was not only a question of economic efficiency, but also about the environmental and social benefits of densification of urban areas. An idea that should be in the interests of urban planners. After all boasted Frankfurt as Germany's capital and passive house is striving towards the European title of a Green City. The award given by the city's architecture award "Green Building Award" to encourage private developers to sustainable designs. Hans Drexler received the award in 2009 for his mini-house. On a wedge-shaped area of 29 square meters, he set up at the Walter-Kolb-Strasse in Sachsenhausen, a multi-storey wooden building in passive house standard with a floor space of 145 square meters.


Open Lounge by NAU + DGJ


Kate Parker

发表日期: May 04 2011


项目: dgj144 Raiffeisen Kreuzplatz

English only: "Raiffeisen’s flagship branch on Zurich’s Kreuzplatz dissolves traditional barriers between customer and employee, creating a new type of “open bank,” a space of encounter."


L'infiltrato sostenibile: Prototipo Minimum Impact House a Francoforte


Luva Maria Francesco Fabris

发表日期: May 01 2011

发表人: Abitare


项目: dgj071 Minihouse I - Minimum Impact House

2 页数

Italian only: Completare, non espandere. È la filosofia di quest'opera sperimentale firmata dallo studio DGI architekten. Che pui a riqualificare nicchie, interstizi, spazi di risulta.


Green Buildings: Apply for Architectural award

"planning + building in frankfurt"

planen und bauen

发表日期: May 01 2011

发表人: Verlag Helmut Richardi GmbH, Phillip Otto


项目: dgj071 Minihouse I - Minimum Impact House

german, 3 页数

For the second time the „Architekturpreis für nachhaltiges Bauen“ (architectural prize for sustainable building) will be awarded in November 2011. Within the last competition architects, planner and  building owner of eight buildings were awarded with the Green Building Award. One of the awarded buildings was the Minimum Impact House.

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Minihaus als Nachverdichtung in Frankfurt am Main

"Baunetz Wissen"

Michaela Boguhn

发表日期: Apr 10 2011

编辑: Jürgen Paul

发表人: BauNetz Media GmbH


项目: dgj071 Minihouse I - Minimum Impact House

german, 2 页数

Research Project: a prototype for sustainable construction

The existing infrastructure, the social and cultural offerings and the short distances make it attractive to live in the middle of the city. The dream of owning a home, however, can often seem to realize just on the outskirts. Inner-city building sites are scarce on the market and offer often difficult conditions. But even in an area of ​​29 square meters can be a full house plan that shows the office Drexler Guinand Jauslin Architects in Frankfurt am Main with his mini house.


Build presents projects by NAU + DGJ

"build Das Architekten - Magazin "

Ralf Ferdinand Broekman

发表日期: Apr 01 2011

编辑: Prof. Dr. Johannes Busmann Ralf Ferdinand Broekman

发表人: Müller+Busmann KG


项目: dgj144 Raiffeisen Kreuzplatz

german, english, 2 页数


Timber houses and KVH

"AFA Architectural magazine"


发表日期: Apr 01 2011

编辑: Frank Pawlak

发表人: Frank Pawlak Verlag


项目: dgj071 Minihouse I - Minimum Impact House

german, 2 页数

The amount of frame houses measured to the total market of one- and two-family houses has been increasing constantly. About 13.000 residential buildings were built in timber-panel -construction and prefabricated timber-construction in Germany in 2009, with tendency to rise. Because of the commercial and technological advantage of the modern timber-construction, there can be expected, that the positive trend will continue during the following years.

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"FreeLounge - Fachmagazin für kommunale Frei-Räume"

Dr. Anke Münster - Chefredaktion

发表日期: Apr 01 2011

编辑: freizeit&spiel verlagsgesellschaft, Kleinmainscheid


项目: dgj166 Mobile Toilet Container

1 页

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Géronde: nouvelle plage en juin 2013

"Le Nouvelliste"


发表日期: Feb 18 2011


Architectural competition. The Renovation of today’s Bath Géronde will be soft and luxurious. With new pools the swimmers can dive directly into the lake.

CONCOURS D'ARCHITECTURE. La rénovation des actuels Bains de Géronde sera douce et luxueuse. Avec les nouveaux bassins, les baigneurs pourront entrer directement dans le lac .

Le Nouveliste PDF

Wie im Raumschiff

"Wie im Raumschiff"

Nicolas Y. Aebi (Foto)

发表日期: Feb 17 2011

编辑: 20Minuten

发表人: TA Media


项目: dgj144 Raiffeisen Kreuzplatz


Like in a Spacecraft: The newest Branch of the Raiffeisenbank at Zurich's Kreuzplatz is not saving on modernity. White shining surfaces and space stile furniture generate  the athmosphere of an "open bank" as director Thomas Stutz says. (transl. DGJ).

article in 20Minuten (German) PDF

Einzahlen mit Einstein

"Neue Zürcher Zeitung"

Jenny Keller

发表日期: Feb 16 2011


项目: dgj144 Raiffeisen Kreuzplatz


Futuristische neue Filiale der Raiffeisenbank am Zürcher Kreuzplatz

Die Wände einer Bankfiliale am Kreuzplatz erzählen die Geschichte des Quartiers Hottingen.





发表日期: Feb 16 2011

编辑: Ville de Sierre


Le jury du concours d’architecture pour le réaménagement de Géronde-Plage a tranché. Il a choisi le projet d’un bureau zurichois, qui s’intègre parfaitement au lac et à l’environnement.


1er prix. 1er rang : « Côte Sauvage », DGJ + NAU arge

sierre.ch PDF

Futuristische Bankfiliale am Kreuzplatz


Andres Herzog

发表日期: Feb 16 2011


项目: dgj144 Raiffeisen Kreuzplatz

german, english, 1 页

german only: Drexler Guinand Jauslin Architekten und Designstudio NAU haben eine Bankfiliale am Kreuzplatz in Zürich gestaltet. Bauherrschaft und Architekten waren darum bemüht, die Idee einer «offenen» Bank, wo jegliche Schranken zwischen Kunden und Berater aufgehoben ist, in Architektur umzusetzen, schreibt die «NZZ». «Entstanden ist dabei ein fliessendes, helles Foyer mit Mobiliar in futuristischer Formensprache und weisser, glänzender Oberfläche.» Ins Auge stechen die geschwungenen Wände mit ornamentalen Verzierungen. Die Gesichter bekannter Persönlichkeiten aus Hottingen sind darin eingelassen und erzählen so die Geschichte des Quartiers.


Nachhaltige Beziehung zur Natur

"Walliser Bote"

Sebastian Glienz

发表日期: Feb 15 2011

编辑: Walliser Bote

发表人: Walliser Bote


german, 1 页

Die Anlage rund um den Gerundensee in der Sonnenstadt wird neu gestaltet. Den Architekturwettbewerb bjlt die Arbeitsgemeinschaft NAU Architecture in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Büro

Drexler Guinand Jauslin aus Zürich gewonnen.

Nachhaltige Beziehung zur Natur PDF

background image