dgj166 Mobile Toilet Container

New Cover for the smallest room in the Frankfurter new press online

发表日期: Jul 25 2011

发表人: Frankfurter Societäts-Medien GmbH


项目: dgj166 Mobile Toilet Container

german, 1 页

As nice as it is to be outside, as desperate it can get. In the parks of Frankfurt there are less public toilets than needed. Often complained, the city council is working on the future concept „ Public toilets in the city of Frankfurt”. There you find the following plan: Instead of building expensive permanent toilets, which will be run down after a while, temporar y toilets are planned to be provided during the summer. The architectural office Drexler Guinand Jauslin Architects handed in a construction out of willows as an “overcoat” and won a special award.

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"FreeLounge - Fachmagazin für kommunale Frei-Räume"

Dr. Anke Münster - Chefredaktion

发表日期: Apr 01 2011

编辑: freizeit&spiel verlagsgesellschaft, Kleinmainscheid


项目: dgj166 Mobile Toilet Container

1 页

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