
gesteund door: Prof. Hans Drexler

periode: Okt 08 2015 - Okt 08 2015

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Do we still need intimacy? - can it be constructed different and can I do it?

projectmedewerkers: Hans Drexler (Münster School of Architecture) and Silke Steets (TU Darmstadt)

periode: Sep 21 2015 - Sep 21 2015

abstract: 100 years ago began the optimistic architecture modernists; promising and ambitious settlements to design for a large number of people. They wanted to invent the new residences and at the same time receive the growing population rush to the cities. The remaining examples of urban mass accommodations serve as a portent and warning. But, it there after still no answer: Where should just stay all the people coming to the cities around the world? The need grows on council housing and growing help in Mexican, Indian, Chinese megacities the people already own and construct their living room with their own hands - anarchic, chaotic and in terms of hygiene, safety and beauty far removed from the normal standards conceived as Western cities. But can we really allow us with the usual mixture of disgust and curiosity to look on these developments? Which new forms of living there, what it needs and what it means living at all for the people? Which question of the appropriate and affordable housing for all arises today new, day after day, in the midst of City. Let's talk about hives, hills, houses!

Wohnprojektetag Bayern 2015 Sufficiency and standards


periode: Jul 28 2015 - Jul 28 2015

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Allianz für Wohnen Quantitative and qualitative components of housing demand


periode: Jul 20 2015 - Jul 20 2015

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Make City Festival Berlin: AIT Symposium "Living different"

projectmedewerkers: Kristina Bacht, Myriam Pflugmann, Ilka Ruby

gesteund door: Hans Drexler/Drexler Guinand Jauslin Architekten, Frankfurt

periode: Jun 25 2015 - Jun 25 2015

abstract: Residential architecture is often only the spatial expression of the common denominator of different interests. They should last, but also be affordable and meet different tastes, generations and health states alike. It should reassure investors following the rules, saving energy, respecting the conservation and bringing happiness to the residents. Not infrequently, the end is just a non-consensual architecture that does not hurt anyone but neither does anyone really happy. This could be different if the architecture is not just a fulfillment of social norms by reflex, but negotiating, modifying and surpassing. In this sense, the conference program "Anders Wohnen", which includes six idiosyncratic positions of contemporary architecture, defies the rules and formats establishing new experimental fields and exploring what can be done .

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Symposium "Future Living", Spatial and strategical parameters for affordable housing

projectmedewerkers: Prof. Hans Drexler, Prof. R. Pasel, Mag. arch. A. Hagner, Sören Nielsen

gesteund door: Prof. Hans Drexler, Prof. R. Pasel, Mag. arch. A. Hagner, Sören Nielsen

periode: Apr 21 2015 - Apr 21 2015

abstract: Housing is a basic need that is still not covered or which is inadequate for many people in all regions of the world. Architecture and urban planning can make a decisive contribution to finding new solutions to ensure the supply of housing for all. The challenge for affordable housing is, above all, to put the costs and the resulting housing quality in an optimum ratio. The way forward depends on many parameters and local cultural influences. Against this background, not only theoretical approaches will be presented, but the example of outstanding residential building also demonstrated strategies to create affordable housing. It is through the analysis of the projects in the economic, social and urban context where these strategies are comparable. Welcome and Introduction _Prof. H. Drexler, Jade HS, Oldenburg _ Affordable Living - Housing for Everyone Example _ Prof. R. Pasel, TU Berlin I CODE _ We need visions! Example _ Mag. Arch. A. Hagner, gaupenraub, Vienna _ VinziRast Example _ Soren Nielsen, Vandkunsten, Copenhagen _ Kvistgaard

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Pulses for housing - Hesse


gesteund door: Tobias Rösinger, Geschäftsführer WENTZ & CO. GMBH

periode: Mrt 04 2015 - Mrt 23 2015

abstract: Frankfurt Lord Mayor Peter Feldmann and associations initiative "Impulse for housing - HESSE " have agreed to work together to accelerate the development of housing in Frankfurt. The initiative, 16 organizations have joined forces . They represent architects on the construction industry to investors and tenants' association the entire value chain in residential construction in Hesse

15_03_23 Positionspapier der Initiative Impulse für den Wohnungsbau-HESSEN

Workshop: Sufficiency living - sufficiency building?!

projectmedewerkers: IBA Heidelberg, International building exhibition: Lars-Arvid Brischke, Hans Drexler, Susanne Hofmann, Arne Steffen, Claudia Thiesen.

gesteund door: Hans Drexler

periode: Mrt 23 2015 - Mrt 23 2015

abstract: In collaboration with the Academicum College, the International Exhibition of Construction of Heidelberg (IBA) organized a workshop based on efficiency. The aim is to clarify both: theoretical questions, such as those relating to the planned development of a self-managed residential home efficiently life, economies and building in the South of Heidelberg.

PDF_Workshop: Sufficiency living - sufficiency building?!

Planning and construction in the Alpes_ "There is nothing to invent , everything is reinvented " Luigi Snozzi

projectmedewerkers: Organizer: Bavarian Chamber of Architects in collaboration with the University of Hanover and the Chamber of Crafts for Munich and Upper Bavaria; in cooperation with the Bavarian Association of municipalities, the eco model Achental, the district of Traunstein, the Bavarian State Ministry for Economic Affairs and Media, Energy and Technology and the Bavarian environmental State Ministry and consumer protection.

gesteund door: Dipl. Arch. ETH Hans Drexler M. Arch.

periode: Mrt 10 2015 - Mrt 10 2015

abstract: Vacancy cadastre, land use: Urban densification in a Changing Climate During the past decades it has been often responded to the demand for housing with the expansion of settlement areas. This practice has many disadvantages: natural areas or agricultural land is destroyed and increases the volume of traffic. Sustainable future quarters can only be achieved by increasing the density of existing urban structures. These must weigh in with the quality of the environment affected carried spatial, legal, economic and social issues. Drexler Guinand Jauslin architects have been working for many years with the development, planning and implementation of infill projects in the inner city area. In the development of a prototype for densification in Frankfurt, the ecological, economic and socio-cultural benefits of infill solution compared to a conventional suburban design in an accompanying research project, Minimum Impact House 'have been extensively studied.

Lecture 2015_München Planen und Bauen in den Alpen

Lecture and book launch "Affordable Living - Housing for Everyone" for the Symposium "ZUKUNFT WOHNEN 
Räumliche und strategische Parameter zum bezahlbaren Wohnen"

projectmedewerkers: Organizer: Architekturfakultät der TU Berlin Straße des 17. Juni 152 10623 Berlin

gesteund door: Dipl. Arch. ETH Hans Drexler M. Arch.

periode: Jan 15 2015 - Jan 15 2015

abstract: Housing is a basic need that is still not covered or only insufficient for many people in all regions of the world. Architecture and urban planning can make a decisive contribution to finding new solutions to ensure the supply of housing for all. The challenge for affordable housing is, above all, to put the cost of living and the resulting value in an optimal ratio. The way forward depends on many parameters and local cultural influences. Against this background, not just theoretical approaches are presented, but the example of outstanding residential buildings also demonstrated strategies to create affordable housing. It is through the analysis of the projects in the economic, social and urban context, these strategies are comparable. The main question is: how can different approaches to the creation of affordable residential be transferred to regional specifics.

Lezing "Duurzame architectuur ontwerp" in de context van Wohnprojektetag Bayern 2014

projectmedewerkers: Fachtagung Wohnen in Bayern, Haus der Architektur, Waisenhausstraße 4, 80637 München, Bayerische Architektenkammer, Akademie für Fort- und Weiterbildung,,, Tel. 089139880-32

periode: Nov 05 2014 - Nov 05 2014

abstract: Om innovatieve concepten te implementeren voor energiebesparende woningen was het doel van het proefproject in 2007 begonnen met de "e% - Energy Efficient Residential" de Supreme Building Authority. Het moet die gesubsidieerde huisvesting met goede architectuur en een laag energieverbruik en het verbruik van hulpbronnen haalbaar in de huidige modernisering van de woonwijken in de jaren 1950 en 1960 aan te tonen, zoals de bouw van nieuwe nederzettingen energiebesparing en -efficiëntie wereldwijd. Vier jaar na de publieke presentatie van de concepten, de Wohnprojektetag Beieren in 2014 nu voor de pilot maatregelen afgerond. Hebben ze verlost aanspraak op niet alleen energetisch en ecologisch model voor de toekomst gerichte projecten en betaalbare huisvesting, maar ook voor stedelijke ruimtelijke, sociale en gebouwde omgeving normen voldoen?

Wohnprojektetag Bayern 2014

lecture for the AktivPlus Symposium 2014

projectmedewerkers: Veranstalter: AktivPlus e.V. Walter-Kolb-Strasse 22 60594 Frankfurt

gesteund door: Dipl. Arch. ETH Hans Drexler M. Arch.

periode: Sep 18 2014 - Sep 18 2014

abstract: Lecture and Workshop: User Comfort in highly efficient residential buildings

Lecture for the congress "Nachhaltiges Bauen, Investieren und Betreiben"

projectmedewerkers: Organizer: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Nachhaltiges Bauen – DGNB e.V. German Sustainable Building Council – GeSBC Kronprinzstraße 11 70173 Stuttgart Germany t +49 (0)711 722322-73 f +49 (0)711 722322-99 e i | | i. A. Gerlinde Epli

gesteund door: Dipl. Arch. ETH Hans Drexler M. Arch.

periode: Jul 01 2014 - Jul 02 2014

abstract: De uitgebreide conferentie-aanbieding biedt u verschillende spannende formaten: In de plenaire lezingen in de ochtend vragen gedachte leiders en visionairs hun benadering van duurzaam bouwen voor - of in interdisciplinaire discussies of gedetailleerd werk rapporten. Intensieve workshops in de middag op actuele thema's van duurzaam bouwen bieden ruimte voor gesprekken met experts uit de industrie. In blok DGNB kennis leden van de DGNB informeren het bureau in discussies over de laatste ontwikkelingen over verschillende onderwerpen DGNB. Drie continu geregistreerd fora in de tentoonstellingsruimte op de onderwerpen van het gebouw, de investeringen en de exploitatie zijn ook beschikbaar.

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dgj155 „Zukunft der Vergangenheit. Die Erneuerung von Gebäuden der Baujahre 1945 – 1979“ „Wohnhaus dgj155“

projectmedewerkers: Organizer: Wüstenrot Stiftung Dr. Kristina Hasenpflug | Ressortleiterin Hohenzollernstr. 45 | 71630 Ludwigsburg fon +49 7141 16-75 6503 | fax +49 7141 16-75 6515

gesteund door: Hans Drexler, Dipl. Arch ETH M. Arch, Drexler Guinand Jauslin Architekten, Frankfurt am Main

periode: Mei 13 2014 - Mei 13 2014

abstract: „Zukunft der Vergangenheit. Die Erneuerung von Gebäuden der Baujahre 1945 – 1979“ „Wohnhaus dgj155“ Tuesday, 13.05.2014, 19.00 Zentrum für Gestaltung HfG Ulm Am Hochsträß 8 89081 Ulm Programm: Greeting: Stephan Biendl, Mitglied des Vorstandes der Stiftung Hochschule für Gestaltung HfG Ulm Presentation Gestaltungspreis: Dr. Kristina Hasenpflug, Wüstenrot Stiftung

Vortrag beim Symposium an der TU Braunschweig

projectmedewerkers: De deelnemers van de conferentie: Michael Baumgart („Cradle to Cradle“), Claus Anderhalten, Robert Huber (Zukunftsgeräusche e.V.),Konrad Fischer („Der Dämmrebell“), Thomas Auer (Transsolar), Roman Brunner („Klima als Entwurfsfaktor“),Hans Drexler („Nachhaltige Wohnkonzepte“) und Holger Kehne (Plasmastudio).

periode: Mei 06 2014 - Mei 06 2014

abstract: Drie hoogleraren van de afdeling Bouwkunde van de TU Braunschweig - Volker Staab, Rolf Schuster en Norbert Fisch - het organiseren van een symposium over "Duurzaam ontwerp". Maar de organisatoren beweren terecht al in de aankondiging met de keuze van de woorden: "Er is nauwelijks een term die nu wordt gebruikt op hetzelfde moment als de inflatie en nauwkeurig is, zoals het begrip duurzaamheid. Vaak gereduceerd tot het louter energieke, vaak uitgebuit als een puur technisch probleem verkeerd begrepen of als een marketing-tag, het lijkt niet alleen onnauwkeurig in betekenis, maar vaak oneerlijk in de toepassing ervan 'En verder: "Om deze onscherpte iets op het lichaam gezet, om. zijn doel en motivatie van dit evenement. Ons belang is om de mogelijkheden van duurzaamheid, die al te zien bespreken en te ontdekken in de ontwerpfase. "

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Lecture for the congress "Resource Efficiency in Architecture and Planning"

projectmedewerkers: Organizer: HafenCity Universität Hamburg Überseeallee 16 20457 Hamburg Germany

gesteund door: Dipl. Arch. ETH Hans Drexler M. Arch.

periode: Jan 28 2014 - Jan 28 2014

abstract: In a two year research project, the result of which are presented in this lecture, Hans Drexler and Sebastian El khouli have analysed concepts, strategies and methods for designing sustainable residential buildings. Sustainable design is not a merely technical problem. Sustainable design can be most successful if it accomplishes to bridge the gap between the cultural role of architecture and its technical requirements. To the SB13 Munich conference three of those strategies for design ‘holistic housing’ would be presented: • Minimum impact: Reduce the impact on the build an natural environment • “Less bad is not good”1: Building as a complex cradle-to-cradle design approach • Built utopia: Planning as a systemic and process oriented approach with the aim of contextualizing our build environment

International Conference Affordable and Sustainable Housing

projectmedewerkers: Julia Bolles-Wilson, Joachim Schulz-Granberg, Hans Drexler, BeL, Brandlhber+, Anne kain Fenk,Pasel künzel architects, Liu Kun

periode: Aug 02 2013 - Aug 02 2013

abstract: The need for acceptable living standards for the economically weaker segments is the major topic at the Affordable and Sustainable Housing Conference in Münster. This is the point of departure for a boader field of research looking at both urban design strategies and the construktion of prototypes related to mass housing.

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ERCO International lighting educator Workshop

projectmedewerkers: Hülya Gemril von ERCO GmbH, Guest sprekers: Axel Groß, Henk Kosche, Dieter Polle, Alison Ritter, Jürgen Spitz, Ralf Wershoven, Daniel Witzel

periode: Jun 17 2013 - Jun 21 2013

abstract: Teaching sustainable design

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Heinze ArchitekTOUR

projectmedewerkers: Prof. Hans Drexler, Stefan Forster, Jürgen Steffens

periode: Jun 20 2013 - Jun 20 2013

abstract: HABITAT FUTURE Innovative working- and living architectures Strategies of sustainable construction

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Lecture for the congress "Energy Efficiency - Made in Germany"

projectmedewerkers: Organizer: German-British Chamber of Industry & Commerce 16 Buckingham Gate London SW1E 6LB UK

gesteund door: Dipl. Arch. ETH Hans Drexler M. Arch.

periode: Jun 20 2013 - Jun 20 2013

Central Fachlehrgang for student teachers of higher technical management service specializing in building construction

projectmedewerkers: Full day workshop with Prof. Hans Ruedi Preisig, Zurich

periode: Mei 27 2013 - Mei 27 2013

abstract: Two lectures: - Strategies and methods of sustainable construction. - Strategies for sustainable residential building. - Certification methods in construction.

Central Fachlehrgang for student teachers of higher technical management service specializing in building construction

Lecture and Workshop "Strategien und Methoden des nachhaltigen Bauens"

projectmedewerkers: Organizer: BBSR Berlin Ernst-Reuter-Haus Straße des 17. Juni 112 10623 Berlin Germany

gesteund door: Dipl. Arch. ETH Hans Drexler M. Arch.

periode: Mei 25 2013 - Mei 25 2013

sb 13 munich Conference Guide

projectmedewerkers: Hans Drexler, Sebastian El khouli

gesteund door: Prof.Dr.-Ing. Gerd Hauser, Prof.Dr.-Ing. habil. Thomas Lützkendorf, Prof.Dr.-Ing. Natalie Essig

periode: Apr 24 2013 - Apr 26 2013

abstract: Vast achievements in the field of sustainable building habe been made: A variety of targets, aspects and criteria habe been identified that constitute important building blocks of a comprehensive understanding of sustainability in the field of architecture. Assessments and evaluation systems have been developed that help to analyse designs and buildings. Still missing are strategies that could be used to integrate the targets in the design process. In a two year empirical research project concepts, strategies and methods for designing sustainable residential buildings habbe been gathered and analysed. Sustainable design is notmerely a technical problem, rather it can be most successful if it accomplishes to bridge the gap between the cultural role of architecture and its technical side. For this reason, the study focused on the design potential that could be derived from the following questions: . What are approaches and strategies to meet the diverse and sometimes divergent requirements of sustainability in architecture? . Waht methods and tools can be applied in the early stages of the design and planning process for new and existing buildings to be planned holistically in order to optimize the design in terms of sustainable construction? . What is the role the context(in the broadest possible sense of climatic, Structural, cultural and social context) plays in respect to the design? . What are the advantages and disadvantages arising from their implementation?

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AHK-business trip

projectmedewerkers: Low Tech und Tech. Strategien für Nachhaltiges Bauen Hans Drexler, Architekt

gesteund door: Low Tech und Tech. Strategien für Nachhaltiges Bauen

periode: Apr 16 2013 - Apr 16 2013

abstract: Sustainable construction in southern France (Languedoc-Roussillon) 16.April 2013, Montpellier,Frankreich

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Third Congress City - Energy - Transport


gesteund door: sanu future learning ag, Schweizerische Energiestiftung SES, Verkehrsclub der Schweiz VCS, Verein Future for the Commons VFC

periode: Mrt 20 2013 - Mrt 20 2013

abstract: Condensed urban and public space in the 2000-watt future How does urban density of the importance and use of public spaces, living together in neighborhoods and the sense of security of the residents? What can be done, not that the recreational needs are met mainly in the city and the traffic continue to increase? And how can promote sufficient user behavior and thus the resources and energy consumption can be reduced? The 3rd Congress city energy transport provides a multi-perspective view of the challenges of the compressed construction. Different perspectives of different actors can be linked and discussed new practical approaches. The Congress for the first time conducted bilingually - all lectures will be translated simultaneously.


14. Jan 2013 15. BDA Wechselgespräch - Wirtschaftswunder Reloaded


periode: Jan 14 2013 - Jan 14 2013

abstract: Since the post-war building boom between the economic miracle and the oil crisis the built residences, schools, colleges and churches get on in years. Is not only for economic reasons why often the demolition of a rehabilitation is preferred. What makes dealing with this Architecture difficult? Conditions under which they originated and where are their strengths? With what attitude to approach this architect Task? Do they cope with the architecture of the "formative years"? 15. BDA WECHSELGESPRÄCH 1945 - 1979 WIRTSCHAFTSWUNDER RELOADED MONTAG, 14 JAN 2013, 19 UHR HANS DREXLER, DREXLER GUINAND JAUSLIN ARCHITEKTEN DR. GERD KUHN, ARCHITEKTUR- UND WOHNSOZIOLOGE PROF. DR. WOLFGANG PEHNT, ARCHITEKTURHISTORIKER MODERATION: CHRISTIAN HOLL, JOURNALIST UND PUBLIZIST WECHSELRAUM BUND DEUTSCHER ARCHITEKTEN BDA ZEPPELIN CARRE (INNENHOF), FRIEDRICHSTRASSE 5 70174 STUTTGART, T +49 (0)711 6404039 WWW.WECHSELRAUM.DE


HDYLA6 How Do You Landscape? Nature & Culture

projectmedewerkers: Daniel Jauslin, Ass. Prof. Steffen Nijhuis, Prof. Dirk Sijmons Chair of Landscape Architecture TU Delft

gesteund door: TU Delft Landscape Architecture

periode: Okt 11 2012 - Dec 20 2012

abstract: In How Do You Landscape? the broad subject of landscape is illuminated by different disciplines, different places and different time conditions. On the occasion of launching a new Master Track the chair of Landscape Architecture at TU Delft established a public lecture series on landscape and its place within science, art and design in 2010. As the newly appointed Professor of this Chair Dirk Sijmons is continuing the series with a new accent for the year 2012. This year we are heading for profound questions of our discipline of Landscape Architecture. We would like to concentrate on the subject of nature and culture. Are these antagonists in constant struggle or is it their eternal harmony we may establish in landscape? A selection of scientists, artists and designers are reflecting fundamental questions about landscape ranging from the most fundamental scientific questions of nature to the most inspired artistic answers of culture. We would like to Involve global scope and without forgetting your local roots as two ends of the fundamental questions of human present in the landscape. How Do You Landscape? Lectures are open to students of all faculties, staff, professionals and interested visitors free of charge. After two Lectures of 45 minutes a member of the chair will lead an open discussion with both speakers and the audience. The series is hosted by Prof. Dirk Sijmons and his chair of landscape architecture and coordinated by Daniel Jauslin ( TU Delft Faculty of Architecture Julianalaan 134, Delft Landscape Architecture Studio 01 west 550

Posters PDF

Pecha Kucha Night


periode: Dec 06 2012 - Dec 06 2012

abstract: 20 Images à 20 seconds Pecha Kucha Night, invented by Astrid Klein and Mark Dytham, was invented in 2003 in Tokyo to make a platform for designers jugne, networks and show their work in public. But as we all know, give a designer (especially an architect) a micro in hand and you're stuck for hours in a time trap. The key of the Pecha Kucha Nights is a patented system to avoid this trap. Each speaker be allowed 20 images, each shown only 20 seconds - 6 minutes 40 seconds of fame before the next speaker comes. This keeps presentations concise, the high interest of the audience and gives more people a chance to occur. Pecha Kucha has (Japanese for chatter) satisfies a need for an occasion to show creative work simply and easily, can not rent a room or need to talk to a journalist. This need seems to be global - as Pecha Kucha Night has virally without advertising and printing spread over 110 cities around the world.


4. Norddeutsche Passivhauskonferenz


periode: Nov 28 2012 - Nov 28 2012

abstract: Passive house technology as the basis for energy-plus building In recent years, the debate has in the area of energy-efficient construction of a preoccupation with energy-efficient buildings to energy-obtaining back Buildings moved. The concept of the passive house was compared to the activhouse. This involves not only the energy consumption but also about to develop an architecture that not only conserves resources and is energy gaining, but is above also dynamic, inspiring, atmospheric, relish and is enthuse. These themes are only at first Opposite view and are actually together but linked: A building can only be a surplus to produce energy when needed and be systematically is systematically reduced. It is a comprehensive energy Simulation, as with the passive house project planning Package possible, is a suitable method.


Lezing over het thema van het jaar 2012 „Nachhaltige Architektur - Planungsstrategien zwischen Technologie und Baukultur“

projectmedewerkers: Institut Fortbildung Bau: Architektenkammer Baden-Württemberg in Stuttgart

gesteund door: Hans Drexler, Drexler Guinand Jauslin Architekten, Frankfurt / Zürich / Rotterdam

periode: Apr 19 2012 - Apr 19 2012

abstract: LECTURE IF BAU STUTTGART 19.04.12 Lecture: 90min

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IASDR2011 Research And Design in Landscape Architecture

projectmedewerkers: Steffen Nijhuis, Inge Bobbink, Daniel Jauslin, TU Delft Landscape Architecture

gesteund door: 4th World Conference of Design Research IASDR 2011 Delft

periode: Okt 31 2011 - Nov 04 2011

abstract: Paper Presentation Conference Day 4 Location C 8:30 - 10:00 The Delft approach to Landscape Architecture is characterized by theories, methods and techniques converging towards design research and research by design. This paper aims to introduce this particular methodology. The introduction to the interrelated research domains is illustrated with examples from research and education establishing design research and research by design as two opposed projections through one lens. The development of the research domains of design research and research by design and their variables are crucial for understanding of the formative elements behind landscapes and for the development of planning and design methods and strategies. These research domains cannot be seen apart from each other: design research is an indispensable step in research by design. Together they constitute a heuristic approach for knowledge based and creative design. Knowledge of the landscape form enables us to test the transformations for an insight into the physical qualities of the place.

Euroforum The networked city - Smart solutions for a sustainable and energy-efficient infrastructure


gesteund door: Euroforum Hamburg

periode: Sep 16 2011 - Sep 16 2011

abstract: Lectures and panel discussion on the topics - (Energy) efficiency and networking as a cost and image factor for local - New Supply and Mobility Structures - Successful concepts for sustainable, energy-efficient building and urban planning - Distributed and intelligent - conversion of energy systems - Possibilities of technical innovations

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SBD MSA Lecture series: Sustainable By Design

projectmedewerkers: Hans Drexler, Frederike Ix, Adeline Seidel, Anna Sumik

gesteund door: Münster School of Architecture MSA

periode: Apr 01 2011 - Jun 15 2011

abstract: The Münster School of Architecture invites to a series of symposia Sustainable By Design taking place in Münster Lecture videos Online: Fachhochschule Münster Leonardo Campus 5 D - 48149 Münster

FH_Muenster-Symposia Flyer

HDYLA3 How Do You Landscape? Memory&Idea Lecture Series

projectmedewerkers: Daniel Jauslin, Inge Bobbink

gesteund door: Landscape Architecture TU Delft

periode: Apr 14 2011 - Jun 09 2011

abstract: During the spring semester 2011, the New Master Track Landscape Architecture at the Faculty of Architecture TU Delft hosts its third public lecture series, cultivating reflection on our educational and scientific position in an international context.
Starting April 2011, speakers from different professional backgrounds and with contrasting approaches are invited to reflect on the meaning of LANDSCAPE in their work in a series of monthly lectures. The focus of this 3rd lecture series is on the approach of memories that build up the many strata of LANDSCAPE, versus an ideas-based approach - arising from and connecting back to memory. The series will reflect on the history and evolution of life forms and landforms in wilderness and culture. The speakers will explore the role of humans in an ever-changing LANDSCAPE.
The lectures and discussions take place in the landscape architecture design studio. They are open to students of the faculty, scientific staff, interested professionals and the general public.

16h00 and 17h00 until ca. 18h00

TU Delft Faculty of Architecture Julianalaan 134 Delft 01.West 550

14.4.2011 (16h00-18h00) Erik A. De Jong & Marc Volger

19.5.2011 (16h00-18h00) Jelle Reumer & Bruno Doedens (SLeM)

9.6.2011 (16h00-18h00) Salomon Kroonenberg & G.Seifert or Stöckmann (formalhaut®)

Posters PDF

Aarhus Workshop and lecture Aarhus Minihaus

projectmedewerkers: Hans Drexler, Inge Vesterborg, Rie Oehlenschlaeger

gesteund door: Aarhus University - School of Architecture

periode: Apr 13 2011 - Apr 15 2011

abstract: Workshop with students working on project for the densification of the urban structure along the Spree in Berlin. Evening Lecture on Minihouses and urban densification.

HolzbauRosenheim Holzrahmenbautage


gesteund door: Hochschule Rosenheim, Bund deutscher Zimmermeister

periode: Feb 21 2011 - Feb 22 2011

abstract: Conference on innovative timber constructions

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AISR Buildings/Structures Guest at 1st Grade Elementary School

projectmedewerkers: Daniel Jauslin

gesteund door: American International School Rotterdam

periode: Nov 15 2010 - Dec 15 2010

abstract: Real Architect Daniel Jauslin explains Buildings and Structures and gives design tuition to the 1st Grade of the American International School Rotterdam. The youngest architecture students he ever met, where first explained the basic drawings of buildings and their function in the design and building of a house with ongoing project dgj154 campanules brussels. They also drew their Grandparents House in the various countries they live and will learn more about construction with famous examples and their own designs.

MsCLA Opening MSc Track Landscape Architecture

projectmedewerkers: Speakers: Prof. Witze Patijn (Dean Architecture TUD), Ass. Prof. Rene van der Velde, Prof. Christophe Girot (ETHZ), Ass. Prof. Inge Bobbink Teaching Team: Prof. Dr. Clemens M. Steenbergen, Saskia de Wit, Daniel Jauslin, Steffen Nijhuis, Michiel Pouderoijen, Denise Piccinin, Gerdy Verschuure, Bert an den Heuvel, Prof. Eric Luiten, Beata Labuhn

gesteund door: TU Delft

periode: Aug 31 2010 - Aug 31 2010

abstract: After years of preparation the Chair of Landscape Architecure TU Delft prodly opens the Master Track Landscape Architecture. The first master students of Landscape Architecture in Delft and many guest from the Faculty of Architecture, other faculties and the professional field are welcomed with an Exhibition of Models from Landscape Models. After the official opening by the Dean of the Faculty, Rene van der Velde explains the program, Guest Speaker Prof. Girot gives a lecture about the Landscape Architecture Model and Inge Bobbink interviews Principals and Employees of different practices about their project and research models incoulding works or talks by Anouk Vogel, OMA, Vista, B&B, Bureau Alle Hosper, H+N+S and West 8. Lecture on Collegerama TU Delft

TUDe005 How Do You Landscape? Evening Lecture Series TU Delft

projectmedewerkers: Inge Bobbink, Daniel Jauslin

gesteund door: Chair of Landscape Architecture TU Delft

periode: Feb 19 2010 - Jul 17 2010

abstract: In the lead-up to the new Master Track of Landscape Architecture, starting in September 2010 at the Faculty of Architecture in Delft, the chair of Landscape Architecture invites you to a lecture series on LANDSCAPE and its place within the work of scientists, designers, artists and other professionals.

Each 3rd Thursday afternoon, starting in February 2010, 2 speakers from different disciplines with different viewpoints are invited to reflect on the meaning of LANDSCAPE in their work. The lecture series is open to students, academics, professionals and the general public.

Delft Faculty of Architecture Room 01 West 550

19.2.2010 Tracy Metz and Eric Luiten (no recording)

19.3.2010 Johan Pas, Joop Mulder, Matthew Skjonsberg (West 8) recording

16.4.2010 Ronald Rietveld, Frans Vera recording

20.5.2010 Michael van Gessel recording, Dirk Sijmons, recording

17.6.2010 Rik de Visser recording Geert van de Camp (Observatorium) recording

oerol Oerol Semiar Beauty & Brains Landscape Art and Science

projectmedewerkers: Daniel Jauslin, Denise Piccnini (TU Delft), Sjoerd Wagenaar, Bruno Dudens, Sytze Pruiksma, Vesta Kroese, Andre Dekker (Observatorium), Arjo Klamer, Salomon Kronenberg (TU Delft), Theunis Piersma (Waddenakademie), Jos Bazelmans, Goffe Jensma (Uni Leeuwarden), Klaas Deen, Rindert Dankert, Edith Nobel, Siem Akkerman, Henk Keizer Klaas, Sietse Spoelstra, Sigrid Sengers, Remi Houge, Joop Mulder, Kees Lesuis, Oeds Westerhof, Tjibbe van der Valk

gesteund door: Oerol, Station Fryslan, Waddenacademie, TU Delft,

periode: Jun 17 2010 - Jun 19 2010

abstract: The unique Landscape Theatre Ferstival Oerol on the Island Terschelling in the Wolrd Heritage Waddensea will be 30 years old in 2011. Oerol has the important ambition to further develop the interesting form of temporary landscape art. In light thereof this year, the festival will formulate the starting points for a long term programme for landscape art. To place these ideas in a broader context, Oerol has approached a number of partners: the Waddenacademie, the Technical University of Delft, CBK Drenthe, Keunstwurk Friesland and the Drachten Smallingerland Museum. In co-operation with these partners, Oerol organized a three day seminar during the festival titled 'Beauty and Brains'. During this three day seminar, held from Thursday the 17th until Saturday the 19th of June, Oerol engaged partners and special guests in a meaningful discussion and chart the possibilities for the development of land art, focusing on the relationships between landscapes, the arts and science.

youtube feature 5min

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Seminar Minutes (Dutch)

res071.003 Smart homes and city houses. Prefab housing industry discusses new ways.

projectmedewerkers: Hans Drexler

gesteund door: Bundesverband Deutscher Fertigbau e.V.

periode: Apr 24 2010 - Apr 25 2010

abstract: The industry of prefab houses organizes a symposium that discusses new ways of opening new markets in city centers and energy-effitient homes.

Annoucement for Symposium.pdf (300KB, German)

res2009.002 Propositions for a study of Architecture with Landscape Methods Could innovative design methods lead to Sustainable Spatial Development?

projectmedewerkers: Daniel Jauslin

gesteund door: TU Delft, Faculty of Architecture, Chair of Landscape Architecture Prof. Dr. Ing. C.M.Steenbergen

periode: Sep 01 2008 - Sep 20 2009

abstract: Contemporary architecture has been strongly influenced by the concept of landscape in recent times. The landscape analogy that accompanied architecture for a long time in tectonics or ornament is now transforming the concepts of form and space. The landscape analogy has moved from marginal subjects to the core of the discipline. We are looking for principals of architectural theory, which can not be derived anymore from an big predominant ideology. What framework for architecture do we still need in the more or less lucky freedom of our time? We might want to use the proposed exercise of knowledge transfer to rediscover some basic principles. A study of landscape as a means of architecture could lead to such a basic theory, not derived from any ideology nor adopting philosophical terms to a practical field. We prefer looking in our own backyard, enjoying the freedom of thoughts about our own subject matter.

res2009.002_Architecture_with_landscape_Methods.pdf (800 KB)

res071.004 Minimum Impact House - Presentation at the 4th International Conference of the International Forum on Urbanism (IFoU)

projectmedewerkers: Hans Drexler, Daniel Jauslin, Marc Guinand

gesteund door: TU Delft

periode: Mrt 08 2009 - Mrt 14 2009

abstract: The Minimum Impact House in Frankfurt am Main is a sustainable solution for low cost living in city centres - a prototype typology with a minimal footprint on a leftover urban space with a bottom-up approach. The planning process itself became part of a scientific study. In a comparative study we compared advantages and disadvantages of a single-family house in the centre versus new building zones. This included qualitative an quantitative comparison over a life cycle of 50 years with construction, running, maintenance, disassembly and location related mobility. DGJ found out that in conventional construction the running uses about 50% of the primary energy, the rest is divided into the modules fabrication and mobility. The total energy use of the prototype is 63% lower than the compared conventional new building under existing rules. The climate-change effect could be reduced by 68% per housing unit.

Presentation at the 4th International Conference of the International Forum on Urbanism (IFoU).pdf (450KB)

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