出版作品集 2012
Baukultur ist... nachhaltig"http://www.bundesstiftung-baukultur.de" Hans Drexler 发表日期: Dec 03 2012 编辑: Bundesstiftung Baukultur Postfach 60 03 11 D-14403 Potsdam DGJ项目介绍 german, 3 页数 In der aktuellen Architekturdebatte werden Baukultur und Nachhaltigkeit als unvereinbare Antipoden gegenübergestellt. Der diskutierten Gegensätzlichkeit liegt ein eingeschränktes Verständnis der beiden Begriffe zu Grunde, die weder der Baukultur noch dem nachhaltigen Bauen gerecht werden. pub2012_20_Baukultur_ist_Bundesstiftung_Baukultur_2012.12.03.pdf |
Graue Eminenz der Vorstadt"Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung FAZ" Birgit Ochs 发表日期: Dec 02 2012 编辑: Werner D'Inka, Berthold Kohler, Günther Nonnenmacher, Frank Schirrmacher, Holger Steltzner 发表人: F.A.Z.-Verlag - FAZ.NET DGJ相关文本 german, 1 页 Völlig verbaut - das war einmal. Nach der Sanierung zeigt sich das Haus von Sibylle Feucht und Jürgen Starosta in Bonn von einer ganz neuen Seite. |
Building the future"fhocus - Das Magazin der Fachhochschule Münster" 发表日期: 12/2012 编辑: Prof.Dr.Ute von Lojewski (Präsidentin FH Münster) DGJ相关文本 german, 4 页数 Er lebt und arbeitet in einem Minihaus. Und er hat es auch entworfen. |
Gestaltungspreis der Wüstenrot Stiftung - Anerkennung Wohnhaus dgj155 Bonn"Zukunft der Vergangenheit - Die Erneuerung von Gebäuden der Baujahre 1945 bis 1979" 发表日期: 10/2012 编辑: Wüstenrot Stiftung 发表人: Karl Krämer Verlag DGJ项目介绍 german, 5 页数 Das Mehrfamilienhaus in Bonn wurde in energetischer, funktionaler und gestalterischer Sicht konsequent umgestaltet. Bewusst wurden jedoch schützenswerte Teile der Baukonstruktion wie zum Beispiel die alte Holztreppe erhalten und in die Konzeption integriert. Zum Projektumfang gehörten Umbau und Erweiterung des Haupthauses, die Neugestaltung von Hof und Außenlagen sowie der Umbau der vorhandenen Werkstatt zu einem Künstleratelier. |
Building the Future: Maßstäbe des nachhaltigen Bauens [Taschenbuch]发表日期: Sep 17 2012 编辑: Hans Drexler, Adeline Seidel 发表人: Jovis, Berlin DGJ项目介绍 german Nachhaltiges Planen und Bauen ist zu einer der zentralen Fragen in der Architektur geworden. Klimawandel, Ressourcenverknappung und wirtschaftliche Krisen zwingen zunehmend auch Architekten und Planer, traditionelle Methoden und Lösungen kritisch zu hinterfragen. Längst haben in den letzten Jahren Forschungseinrichtungen und Hochschulen, aber auch Architektur- und Ingenieurbüros begonnen, nach neuen Konzepten zur Umsetzung nachhaltiger Architektur und Stadtentwicklung zu suchen.Im Sommer 2011 veranstaltete die Münster School of Architecture mehrere Symposien, um mit internationalen Experten über diese Themen kontrovers zu diskutieren. Die Publikation Building the Future fasst die unterschiedlichen Ebenen und Positionen aktueller Konzepte zusammen: Ziel ist es, Zusammenhänge und Haltungen nachhaltigen Bauens in einer ganzheitlichen Weise darzustellen. Dabei repräsentieren namhafte Autoren mit ihren Beiträgen den aktuellen Forschungsstand zu diesem Thema und zeigen innovative Ansätze und Lösungen für die Architektur der Zukunft. |
Minimum-impact house, Frankfurt winner in the category: Residential Building"Architectural Award Winners: Green Building Frankfurt Rhein Main" Stadt Frankfurt am Main Energiereferat 发表日期: Sep 12 2012 编辑: Stadt Frankfurt am Main Energiereferat 发表人: Eigenverlag Stadt Frankfurt am Main DGJ项目介绍 项目: dgj071 Minihouse I - Minimum Impact House german, 2 页数 With the Minimum Impact House (MIH) new strategies for the development of urban residual areas were developed. The choice of locations Has a positive effect on the environmental performance of the building. In terms of sustainability offers a densification within the city territory require a lot of advantages: The urban sprawl is prevented. This creates congestion and strengthens the social fabric in the cities. Moreover, the reduction of land consumption is an active contribution to the protection of resources. Architectural Award Winners: Green Building Frankfurt Rhein Main |
Successful ensemble for living, working and exhibiting"KFW Award 2012 Modernize with vision and energy efficient generation needs to rebuild" Dr. Mussler, Mussler Communication GmbH, 发表日期: Sep 02 2012 编辑: KfW Bankengruppe Palmengartenstraße 5-9 60325 Frankfurt 发表人: KfW Bankengruppe DGJ项目介绍 german, 2 页数 Built in 1910 in Bonn, it was purchased in 2010 by Mr. and Mrs. Sibylle Feucht and Jürgen Starosta and reconstructed from scratch. Their goal was to create an environment for their own ideas, which combines in a suitable manner with residential and work here also integrates an exhibition space. At the same time it was necessary to equip the city with regard to house the most modern energy standards. |
Holistic Housing" Concepts, Design Strategies and Processes" Hans Drexler, Sebastian el Khouli 发表日期: 07/2012 编辑: Hans Drexler, Sebastian el Khouli 发表人: Edition Detail DGJ项目介绍 german, english, 288 页数 Comprehensive overview of sustainability in the residential architecture.
To integrate sustainability in all its variety in the design and planning processes is the most important issue in the current architectural debate. The book presents the various aspects and sustainability objectives and the internationally accepted standardization and evaluation parameters of the structured form, it works out for practice-relevant relationships and processes. In the example of 20 outstanding international residential buildings of all sizes and types of use are presented and evaluated in their performance. In these case studies will demonstrate how criteria can be implemented in the design of sustainable building and how they experienced with the qualities of the building. Sustainability of this panorama gives architects and engineers, inspiration and guidance for the implementation of sustainability goals into their daily work, but just as interesting for Bauherrenund investors who are involved as decision makers and operators in construction processes. http://shop.detail.de/eu_e/holistic-housing.html
Design Methods for Young Sustainable Architecture Practice (en)"SASBE 2012 4th CIB Conference on Smart and Sustainable Built Environments" Daniel Jauslin, Federico Curiel, Hans Drexler 发表日期: June 29 2012 编辑: Vanessa Gomes, Maristela G. Da Silva 发表人: UNICAMP - Funcamp DGJ项目介绍 项目: dgj164 Urban House Types Jenfelder Au 7 页数 This paper introduces landscape aesthetics as an innovative design method for sustainable architecture. It is based on the framework of a recent paper where the young and unfamous authors criticized three of the most prominent architects today in regard to sustainable architecture and its aesthetics. Leading architects expressed their skepticism as to whether there is such a thing as aesthetics in sustainable architecture, or for that matter, if architecture can indeed be sustainable at all. Against such a setting, DGJ will illustrate what we believe to be the landscape perspective's inherent relationship to the natural environment, the principles behind it as well as the potentia Is that these landscape perspective holds for sustainable design. After first discussing the kind of professional and political impetuses that have made sustainability one of the most compelling changes to face the profession of architecture, we argue that the mandate for a sustainable environment did not come about by choice of the architects and planners, but rather, that sustainability is imposed on the profession by the necessary, external forces that influence it. To bridge the existing gaps between current practice and sustainability, we will trace some thoughts and principles of landscapes and territories. Our approach views the landscape as a human interface with nature, as a basis for the design of sustainable architecture and a new context for sustainable aesthetics. It will be illustrated with practical work samples from a small but globally operating practice DGJ Architects & Landscapes. They will demonstrate how sustainable design happens in practice, throughout its evolutionary process, with some of our recent projects |
Re-Generation Delta"Delta Alliance Young Professional Award" 发表日期: 06/2012 编辑: Ina Krueger, Laura Miguel Ayala, Wim van Driel 发表人: Delta Alliance International DGJ项目介绍 202 页数 What is Delta Alliance?Delta Alliance is an international knowledge-driven network organization with the mission of improving the resilience of the world’s deltas. With increasing pressure from population growth, industrialization and a changing climate, it is more important than ever that these valuable and vulnerable locations increase their resilience to changing conditions. Delta Alliance brings people together who live and work in deltas. They can benefit from each other’s experience and expertise and as such contribute to an increased resilience of their delta region. Delta Alliance Young Professionals AwardIn scope of the Rio+20 United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development in June 2012, Delta Alliance organized a Young Professionals Award, inviting young delta professionals around the world to present their solutions to the challenges which river deltas are facing.
Delta Alliance Young Professionals Award Booklet with the ten best contributions, including those of the three winning teams (pdf, 22Mb). |
Cadavre Exquis (pre-release 0.02)"Dutch Architecture with Landscape Methods Vol. 3" Matthew Skjonsberg, Daniel Jauslin e.a. 最初发表于: 2012 发表日期: Apr 20 2012 发表人: DGJDasGehtJa DGJ项目介绍 261 页数 Contemporary architecture is increasingly influenced by the concept
The result is a dismantled floating olympic village for Rotterdam, which is exhibited at it’s site in the historic docklands RDM on the Heijplaat. This Book is the catalogue to the exhibition. download PDF 20 MB from TU Delft repository
Please keep in mind that the suggested donation price is 4 EUR. You can donate at the opening in cash. We will set up donation online after the opening of the exhibition. If you donate for the digital pre-release you will get the digital full-release for free probably this summer. |
Landscape Aesthetics for Sustainable Architecture"Atlantis 22 4" Daniel Jauslin 发表日期: Feb 28 2012 编辑: Polis | Platform for Urbanism DGJ项目介绍 english, 4 页数 No, No and No. Three times No is the answer to the question: is there currently such a thing as aesthetics in sustainable architecture? This answer is drawn from the discussions of three architects who are acclaimed practitioners and thinkers in the field. If we assume that aesthetics is something that all architects pursue in one form or another, it would appear that, currently, sustainability is not an integral part of it. |
Hole Lot of Sence: smart uses for perforated facades and partitions"www.architionic.com" Drexler Guinand Jauslin Architekten 发表日期: Jan 13 2012 编辑: Architonic AG, Müllerstrasse 71, CH 8004, Zurich Switzerland DGJ项目介绍 项目: dgj144 Raiffeisen Kreuzplatz english, 14 页数 |
Quartiertreff Zollikerberg"www.architionic.com" Drexler Guinand Jauslin Architekten 发表日期: Jan 11 2012 编辑: Architonic AG, Müllerstrasse 71, CH 8004, Zurich Switzerland DGJ项目介绍 20 页数 |
Raiffeisen - Open Lounge"www.architionic.com" Drexler Guinand Jauslin Architekten 发表日期: Jan 11 2012 编辑: Architonic AG, Müllerstrasse 71, CH 8004, Zurich Switzerland DGJ项目介绍 项目: dgj144 Raiffeisen Kreuzplatz 16 页数 |
Raiffeisen - Open Lounge by DGJ+NAU (CH)"www.dailytonic.com" Drexler Guinand Jauslin Architekten 发表日期: Jan 11 2012 编辑: dailytonic.com is a project of Architonic, AG Müllerstrasse 71, CH 8004 Zurich DGJ项目介绍 项目: dgj144 Raiffeisen Kreuzplatz 16 页数 |
How Do You Landscape? Blog TU Delft"howdoyoulandscape.nl" Michiel Pouderoijen, Dirk Sijmons, Daniel Jauslin, Steffen Nijhuis, Saskia de Wit, Inge Bobbink, Jan Joris Wiers, Bert van den Heuvel, Denise Piccinini, René van der Velde, Gerdy Verschuure, Eric Luiten 发表日期: Jan 01 2012 编辑: Michiel Pouderoijen, Dirk Sijmons 发表人: TU Delft DGJ项目介绍 english "howdoyoulandscape.nl" |
The Architecture of Low Energy Consumption"Resource Recycling" 发表日期: 2012 发表人: Phoenix DGJ相关文本 |